Dec 2 - The First Sunday of Advent
Read Isaiah 9:1-7
Isaiah prophesied that a people who walk in darkness have seen a great light. This light radiates from the child born to us. This light pierces the darkness of the present evil age and offers hope and joy to a world in need. His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Dec 3 – The Light of Creation
Read Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-5
God created all things good. He has revealed his love toward us in creation, but it is most clearly revealed in Jesus Christ. Christmas is a time of lights. We hang lights on trees. We see them strung on houses. Let these lights remind us to view creation by the perfect light of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Dec 4 – The First Sin
Read Gen 3:1-10; Rom 5:12-17
The sin that entered into creation in the Garden has been passed on from the first man, Adam, to the whole human race. Death and sin have marred God’s good creation. It has marred all mankind such that there are none who are righteous, no not one. Death has come to all through one man, Adam, but life and redemption have come through another, Jesus Christ.
Dec 5 – The First Gospel
Read Genesis 3:14-21
From the beginning, God had a plan of salvation for His People. The enemy of men’s souls will be crushed by Christ, but it will come at a great price to the Redeemer. Just as Adam and Eve’s nakedness was clothed through the shedding of blood, God covers our shame through the shedding of Christ’s blood.
Dec 6 – The Call of Abraham
Read Genesis 12:1-7
Abraham heard the call of God and obeyed. He left everything that was familiar and comfortable to follow God’s leading in his life. Abraham believed the promise of God. And through the obedience of God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, we are the recipients of that great blessing. What would it look like in our lives if we followed God’s will with this kind of obedience?
Dec 7 – Isaac and the Lamb
Genesis 22:1-13; John 1:29
What must have been going through Abraham’s mind? What about Isaac? But God did provide a substitute. Though we deserve the awesome and just wrath of God on account of our sins, God has provided “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” Our sin was great, but God’s grace was greater. Our sins were costly, but God’s salvation was richer still.
Dec 8 – God’s Promise to Moses
Read Exodus 6:2-9
God has promised to take those redeemed by Christ to be his people. He has pledged to be their God. He has freed them from the shackles and burden of sin. He has given freedom to a people in bondage. Yet our response to God’s grace is often to rebel. We fail to heed the grace of God because our spirits are broken from the harsh slavery of sin. But God remains faithful and steadfast. He continues to pour out his mercy and grace toward his children. May we let the tender mercy of God soothe our sin-sick souls.