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COVID-19 Information

Find our most recent update on CPC's response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) here.

Visit the CDC's website for information at Federal level at

Visit the NJ Department of Health's website for NJ specific information here


The State of New Jersey has opened a JOB PORTAL for opportunities that have opened as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. If you lost your job or are looking for employment, please see this resource.


A Field Manual to Virtual Worship - a brief how-to guide in preparing for our worship to move on-line.


Online Giving

The PCA Foundation has provided a method for us to receive gifts and offerings online.


Click here to access a giving page for CPC Short Hills/Millburn on their website.


They are offering this service to our congregation through May with no charge. Your gift will be made to the PCA Foundation. It will show up on your statement as going to the PCA Foundation. The PCA Foundation makes a grant each week to CPC Short Hills in the amount of whatever comes in through their site with a statement of the identity and amount of each gift. 100% of what you give will come to CPC Short Hills, unless you give via a credit card, in which case the issuing bank will charge a merchant fee of 2.5%-3.5%.


Covenant Presbyterian Church

291 Parsonage Hill Road

Short Hills, New Jersey 07078

9:15 AM Sunday School (Sept-May)

10:30 AM Morning Worship

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